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Robert Hager Speaking at the Ohio Contractors Association's Annual Conference - Jan. 29 - Feb. 5, 2020

Blog Post

Attorney Robert Hager will be speaking at the Ohio Contractors Association's Annual Conference in Maui, Hawaii sharing a simple practical approach to build your business' legacy (Succession Planning for the Legacy-Driven Business) and leading an interactive session about best practices for collaboration, risk management, and claims avoidance (Risky Business:  Know It, See It, Manage It).

Highlights include:

Succession Planning for the Legacy-Driven Business

What are you doing today to secure the legacy of your company tomorrow?  The future of the construction industry is filled with uncertainty, but your succession plan shouldn't be.  The construction workforce is an aging workforce.  How are you positioning your company to stay ahead of the fast-changing times?  Securing your company's "BHAGs - Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goals," doesn't just happen by accident.  It takes vision, discipline and strategic planning.  It takes proactive leadership - today.  Are you making sure you have the right people in the right seats?  Are you empowering the leaders of tomorrow by sharing your knowledge with them today?  What tools are in your toolbox to make a lasting difference, provide visionary leadership and make sound business decisions?  

Risky Business:  Know It, See It, Manage It

Even in Maui, construction claims and disputes can keep us up at night.  The construction industry is a Risky Business filled with uncertainty and complex challenges.  Are your perceptions of risk different than others?  How can you mitigate your company's risk?  What are the primary causes of project delays and how can they be avoided or effectively managed?  Awareness, communication and collaboration are key.  



Institutional Cannabis Lenders Community Holds First Meeting

BMD Attorneys Stephen Lenn and Brandon Pauley have organized the Institutional Cannabis Lenders Community (ICLC), which is a community of institutional lenders include banks, credit unions, dedicated cannabis loan funds and family office/ultra-high net worth investors and are excited to announce that the group recently held its first meeting. The more than 20 participants in the ICLC, which was organized to enhance relationships among institutional cannabis lenders and provide forums for evolving best practices, include 4 of the major cannabis loan, more than a dozen banks and credit unions, and a cross section of other organizations that are involved in institutional cannabis finance activities.

Litigation Holds: First Aid for the Thorn in a Corporation’s Side

Diversity Speaker Series: Pride Month

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month Employee Spotlight | Jessica Hew

In honor of Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and as part of BMD’s ongoing diversity and inclusion efforts, we are featuring BMD Senior Counsel Member Jessica Hew in an employee spotlight.

Ending the Public Health Emergency - Medicaid Updates

Watch the recording from week two of our Ending the Public Health Emergency webinar series!